Delta 9 THC

Delta 9 THC is your mainstream tradition type of THC we all know and love, what you would buy from a California or Colorado dispensary. The only difference in Tennessee is that it must be derived from hemp (cannabis sativa) which does still produce delta 9 THC and is then concentrated to be infused into various products for you or a friend to enjoy.

Delta 9 THC

Delta 9 THC Edibles Powered by TVC Farms
Delta 9 THC


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Delta 9 THC Delta 9 THC by TVC Farms


Delta 9 THC


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Cannabis Sativa Derived Delta 9 THC

In Tennessee we are allowed to have Delta 9 THC in our products as long as the guidelines in the 2018 Farm Bill are followed accordingly. Our THC must be derived from the cannabis sativa (hemp) plant which is essentially just the cousin of marijuana. Hemp grows the exact same way and requires the very same tedious practices that must be followed in order to achieve a bountiful harvest and a quality harvest at that. We only grow and source the upmost highest quality flower we possible can under the given conditions to be processed into the finest edibles and liquids on the market today. Our farmers take lots of pride in producing something so wonderful that we cannot settle for anything but the best final product to share with folks all over the world something that helps so many people.

What is Delta 9?

What we all know as THC, stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-9-THC). It is a cannabinoid molecule in marijuana (cannabis) as well as hemp (cannabis sativa) that's long been recognized as the main psychoactive ingredient that causes people who use marijuana and legal high THC hemp to feel high and achieve their sought after relief from cad or the (below 0.3%).THC is just one of more than 100 different cannabinoid molecules in both marijuana and cannabis sativa (hemp).

Delta 8 or Delta 9?

Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC) is a less potent form of THC with milder psychoactive effects than delta-9 THC. Delta 8 has been reviewed to be better for sleep in higher doses over Delta 9 as well as being an alternative for those who experience discomfort or butterflies when consuming traditional cannabis, as Delta 8 will be more mellow and function-able.Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC come from the cannabis sativa plant, which naturally produces more than 100 cannabinoids. However, the plant naturally will produce more Delta-9 than Delta-8 therefore Delta-8 must be synthesized after the concentration process takes place. Delta-9 is a more all natural choice and is readily present in hemp and available for extraction and infusion using a more traditional method.Depending on quality, quantity and other factors, both Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC will produce semi to mild intoxicatingly psychoactive effects depending on dosage.

  • All Delta 9 THC Products Contain Less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC
  • Do not operate a vehicle, side by side, or any heavy machinery after consuming any Delta 8 or 9 THC product

Our Products

All Flower and Vape Products Produced and Sold by TVC Farms Are Organic. When Inhaling or Consuming Cannabis Knowing Where and How Your CBD or THC is Grown and Handled is Important. Always Make Sure Your Cannabis is Organic for the Safety of Yourself and Your Friends.

Delta 9 THC Edibles

Delta 9 THC edibles vary from low, medium, and high strength options. We always say start low and slow when it comes to edibles especially if it will be your first time. Like alcohol, edible effects will vary person to person when it comes to the amount taken and how function-able you will be.

Product Desclaimer

All products advertised and images shown are that of legal hemp flower and extracts resulting from a licensed processor. All hemp is grown by licensed farmers on a permitted farm right here in the great state of Tennessee. The 2018 federally mandated Farm Bill defines “industrial hemp” as the plant Cannabis Sativa L. and any part of such plant whether growing or not with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. Products and images shown are NOT MARIJUANA or illegal in any manor..THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FDA AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT OR CURE ANY DISEASE. ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE STARTING A NEW DIETARY SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM

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Delta 9 THC is your mainstream tradition type of THC we all know and love, what you would buy from a California or Colorado dispensary. The only difference in Tennessee is that it must be derived from hemp (cannabis sativa) which does still produce delta 9 THC and is then concentrated to be infused into various products for you or a friend to enjoy.

1 Pack of RainbowGummyBites Delta 9 THC Edibles

1 Pack RainbowGummyBites $44.99

1 Bottle of WatermelonBoostSyrup Delta 9 THC Edibles

1 Bottle WatermelonBoostSyrup $39.99

1 Bottle of PineappleChillSyrup Delta 9 THC Edibles

1 Bottle PineappleChillSyrup $39.99